Trigger Warnings: Transphobia, Ableism
I can't sleep and honestly it's pissing me off
It's just memories
just memories,,
Memories I can't really remember?
Memories that don't really exist but viscerally they do?
It's really hard to quantify and it's fucking agonizing
Because I can't explain something that doesn't have a word for it
Because it feels different from negative daydream whatever stuff
Because it's just different somehow where in experience it feels more real
I sometimes call them false memories but that doesn't really give them justice
it's really difficult to explain flashbacks to something that didn't happen
there's some people we know who call them exo memories
Which I guess kinda applies
another term is pseudo memories
but even that still gives some kind of degradation
we still feel bittersweet about our seizures being classified as pseudo seizures but I mean we don't fit their special little rubric
I guess it's a bit about just feeling like it's delegitimizing somehow
like it doesn't really matter
it was also a thing where like
with the transfeminine experiences with periods people can be real assholes about it
because we have periods and they fucking hurt we just don't bleed
instead of the uterine muscles contracting it's all the ones in our stomach out of pure neuromuscular confusion
for us specifically it's not cyclical it's based on hormonal fluctuation so if we forget our meds or something fucks with our hormones in our body (which is often enough)
I guess technically it would be more premenstrual syndrome instead of periods?
but honestly I don't know
doctors didn't choose to take a minute to care about trans people
So I'm gonna say periods
But what's really fucking annoying is when cis women choose to say it's nothing it's not a period you're lying for attention it's just indigestion deal with it it's not a big deal you're overplaying it all whatever the fuck
no we’re in agonizing pain and I'm gonna say we’re in agonizing pain because guess what it's agonizing fucking pain
we’ve almost went to the ER thinking our appendix just burst and you're gonna tell me it's fucking indigestion
have you read the back of your birth control it's fucking hormonal
periods are fucking hormonal
And don't you dare fucking say I'm “mansplaining” periods or I'll cut off your clit
we might be having hormone fluctuations
what the fuck was I just talking about
oh right I can't sleep
it's 3:59 AM right now and I drank a monster and got a little stoned
because every time we lay down to sleep it's just these
FUck I still don't know a name for them im losing my goddamn mind
that almost fits
no not quite, fuck
I'm just tired of being called fake and being told I'm lying and I should just get over it I really am experiencing these things and no one will just fucking listen to me
fucking writing in the chalkboard
people leaving notes about me about me not fucking being disabled because I can still stand out of my wheelchair it's just fucking agonizing
not everyone in a wheelchair is paralyzed
some can have balance issues or motor control issues or have agonizing pain
we have agonizing fucking pain
but I guess we’re not really someone to listen to about pain
because their tests don't include us
hell I knew our diagnosis before they did because we've been on a wait list for who knows how long after my appointment was already cancelled
We weren’t self diagnosed we were community diagnosed
where every single other person who has it told us we have it
even if their initial tests meant no even though we still had a medication in our system that got in the way of the test even working
doesn't matter we’re not really someone who does according to literally everything that's been set in front of me
call us fake all you want it seems apparently that's what everyone wants to do
because we’re not in their specific little world view rule books
We are the grey area and we are so fucking tired of always being in the grey area
I don't wanna be here
It's agonizing and no one listens to you no matter how much you just try and argue you exist
why would I lie about having this pain when saying it all I get back is more pain
I'll lose my mind if anyone says we’re drug seeking because opiates don't fucking work on us they didn't after our wisdom tooth surgery
Month of fucking pain and nothing we could do
And when we adjust our tetrahydrocannabinol dosage according to our pain levels even though we know what the fuck we're doing we get told that we have a problem for increasing
even though we know all the research and we know what we're doing and we control our doses and just what the fuck is wrong with people
oh by the way it's weed I'm sorry is that too scary for you are you gonna call the wee woo cars
I went so far to get a medical card
not like it legally changes much it just lets me buy better stuff
have a bit more control over it
because again we're fucking careful with our meds and these are meds
definitely safer than alcohol definitely better for making me less fucking depressed
and it doesn't interact with any of our other meds and the only thing that works for our pain
but Nope I'm junkie scum I guess
what the fuck was I talking about what was I writing this about wait
oh shit right it was about sleep
4:32 AM now
this has been a very sleep deprived rant into voice to text
memories are weird
periods are weird
mobility is weird
pain is weird
people suck
when someone tells you they're in pain, listen
be gay do crime
eat lightbulbs
don't actually eat light bulbs if you put one in your mouth you can't actually physically get it out without breaking it
it's 4:39 AM now and I don't know if I try and sleep and have more whatever the fuck they're called or stay up
I’m just gonna upload this