Wheelchair Soft Spikes

Wheelchair Soft Spikes

Date: 20Apr2023
Alter: Myra, Teres
Material: Silicone
Size: Variable, trim to fit

The first time we went out in our wheelchair, someone grabbed the handles and pushed us without our consent or warning. It was terrifying, we didn't know what was happening and we didn't know their intentions. We thought for a second they were trying to kidnap us. It's like someone grabbing your wrist and pulling you forward. However, later in that walk someone did ask and get consent to help us get to the right place. We've seen people make spikes as deterrents to people just grabbing the wheelchair and pushing, however sometimes those handles are useful.

While these spikes may look sharp, they are squishy enough to still be pushed on without poking or needing to be removed for proper use. They will look unappealing to strangers, but their purpose will be clear to those in the know. They are especially helpful in emergency situations as those responding will not need to struggle with removing them and can safely grab them and assist.

Secured around a purple mount representing a wheelchair handle is a gray spiky silicone wrap.
Secured around a purple mount representing a wheelchair handle is a gray spiky silicone wrap.
A close-up of the spikes on the silicone wrap.
A close-up of the spikes on the silicone wrap.


Devices and Descriptors - 8May2023

Two of the wheelchair soft spikes on purple mounts placed equidistant to our wheelchair handles. Next to it is a wall label with a QR code to the page you are currently reading.
Two of the wheelchair soft spikes on purple mounts placed equidistant to our wheelchair handles. Next to it is a wall label with a QR code to the page you are currently reading.
A 45 profile view of the wheelchair soft spike display.
A 45 profile view of the wheelchair soft spike display.
Nat touching the top of the wheelchair soft spike display.
Nat touching the top of the wheelchair soft spike display.
Chris grabbing one of the handles on the wheelchair soft spike display.
Chris grabbing one of the handles on the wheelchair soft spike display.

Work In Progress Images

Seeing it on our new chair was so exciting!!

A gray spikey silicone wheelchair soft spike V1 on a wheelchair with black cushions, side guards with stickers, a leash, a backpack, and colored spokes.
A gray spikey silicone wheelchair soft spike V1 on a wheelchair with black cushions, side guards with stickers, a leash, a backpack, and colored spokes.

There is nothing more satisfying than YEETING it into a wall and having it just...stick.

A gray spikey silicone wheelchair soft spike V1 sticking against a wooden wall.
A gray spikey silicone wheelchair soft spike V1 sticking against a wooden wall.

The first version

A gray spikey wrap around the handle of a black wheelchair.
A gray spikey wrap around the handle of a black wheelchair.