Trigger Warnings: Unreality
My memory is fractured, fragmented
There are gaps
There are fastlanes
There are obscurations
Some peices are zoomed into a specific point
Some (Most actually) are third person
The peices are sometimes hard to put together
Almost everything is there, the trouble is accessing the full version
All of my memory is shortened into bursts of recollection
Recollection being a colored filter attached to the lens
I often doubt my memory, unsure if what happened was real. If what is happening is real
The current day feels like a video feed, unalterable for live time, going onto a corrupt hard drive
A cable from the corrupt hard drive going to the camera
Occasionally the cable disconnects, and I dont remember what happened in the last few seconds until I recall a few seconds after when the backup loads
Sometimes it never comes back
Sometimes I cant tell if the camera was down until I see something I dont remember being previously there
The camera lens sometimes distorts, causing changes in hue or sizing of everything around me
Sometimes I can influence the distortions, but often I am unable
The camera can sometimes go out of focus due to an image or likewise, and can be difficult to refocus
The microphone is spotty, and I am sometimes unable to decypher what was said
I ask for it to be repeated, sometimes I get it first time its repeated and sometimes I give up
Echos of past audio clips occasionally can be heard. My name is often called